description here
Enrollment Information
Required Documents:
- Report Card/Withdrawal Form from Previous School (Not having this can result in missing grades and ultimately in having to retake a class)
- Immunization Record
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card
- Current Proof of Address – (current month's water, electricity or gas bill or rental lease/ownership contract - Expired leases will not be accepted)
- Parent/Guardian ID (Guardianship papers required)
If you are unable to provide a gas, water or electricity bill or a rental lease or contract in your name, a written notification of the person you are living with must be provided accepting responsibility as well as one of the items listed as proof of address in that personas name. In order to complete enrollment, the student and parent/guardian must be present by 9:35 a.m. Anyone who arrives after this hour will be provided with the enrollment information and asked to return the following day before 9:35 to complete the enrollment. The student must be present in all classes the remaining part of the day on the day the student enrolls. The student must be in full uniform attire or will be asked to return the following school day.
Documentos Requeridos:
- Ultima Boleta/Documentos que se dio de baja de la escuela anterior (no tener los ultimos grados puede resultar en perdida de algun grado y reprobando la clase)
- Documento de Vacunas (Comprobando que estan actualizadas)
- Certificado de Nacimiento
- Tarjeta de Seguro Social
- Comprobante de domicilio - (Factura del mes actual de el agua, electricidad o gas o un contrato de vivienda - contratos expirados no seran aceptados)
- Identificacion del Padre o tutor legal (Documento legal comprobando que usted es el tutor)
Si no tiene algun documento para comprobar su domicilio, (factuar o contracto de renta) precisara una carta del dueno(a) de la casa aceptando responsabilidad y una combrante de domicilio listado en nombre de esa persona. Para completar el proceso de inscripcion, padre/tutor y hijo(a) deberan presentarse antes de las 9:35. Si llega despues de ese horario, se le dara los documentos y se le pedire que regrese el proximo dia para completar el proceso de inscripcion. El alumno debera presentarse a todas sus clases el que se sea inscrito. El alumno debera estar en uniforme or se le pedira que regrese el proximo dia.